Blah blah blah blaaaah.... I'm doin things.. but not.. lots of new songs, but to many too finish, but finish them I will. My friends doin a night called Missy Ga ga, should be fun!
I'm doin a Daft Punk tribute, C'est un petit peu triste? Je ne sais pas.. peut etre, mais cela ne m'importe pas en ce moment. Should be fun.
There ya go some newbies, still raw, but the album is blossoming...
Krepotkin- drugs better work (direct)
The clouds rolled across the sky with an anger the likes I'd not seen, skating horizontally punctuated with budda like darkened stomachs.The horizon was thick and full with a darkened bronze from and angry painting by one othe old old masters. The first roll of thunder streaked through my feet and each hair on my neck stood up like the quills on a porcupine. The wind ruffled my Tee with a sticky kiss. Then... then... then...Plosch! the first drop hit the ground in front my toes the size of a 50 pence piece... Heres the storm....